Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New weapon to kill Mosquitoes

The researchers in Johns Hopkins University, they have found a new virus which can infect Mosquitoes. This virus can kill and prevent mosquitoes from propagate Malaria to human being. Moreover, this virus also can be passed from mother mosquitoes to their children. However, it will take time before we can use it like a weapon against the mosquitoes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Stillbrith and Newborn deaths

According to the researchers at the Centre for Women's Mental Health at The University of Manchester, they found out that the metal conditions of mothers affect strongly to their babies health. They said that risk of deaths is twice high, compare the babies of mothers who admitted they do have psychiatric illness to the babies of normal mothers. Moreover, they also remind the consequence of the smoking mothers or alcoholic mothers to their children.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Reconsider the goods of Exercise

I find this article is really interesting about the benefits of exercises. As we usually know that the outcome of exercise is enormous and fantastic, no doubt about this, such as prevent you from obesity, breast cancer, high blood pressure and so on.

However, in the article which i have mentioned above, it shows that even though we accept all the benefits from exercise, those results are not really clear and also it was trailed in different people with different human conditions such as "it is impossible to know with confidence whether exercise prevents heart disease or whether people who are less likely to get heart disease are also more likely to be exercising." Moreover, the article shows that weight lifting is not a good way to lose weight because instead of fat, you will earn more muscle which has a really low metabolic( exchange chemistry between human cells). This article also said that exercise alone can not reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol level neither. So, in order to have a healthy body, you have to exercise and also diet as well.

I don't really care about these kind of problems because i think i'm healthy enough. However, i chose this article because i think it will be helpful for my classmates and may be my teacherS.

(I'm Tai Nguyen and I approve this message)