Sunday, October 5, 2008

what's the healthiest diet if all?

I chose to read this article about diet because i think that it's really interesting because of two reasons. First, i know that nowadays, a lot of people are suffering from obesity. Meanwhile, millions of people are living and don;t know whether they have food to eat tomorrow. Second, you have to take your responsibility for what you have eaten, don't blame on the fast food company.

Back to the article, the main point of this article is all about the Mediterranean which the author think is the healthiest diet. To prove , through the article , there are evidence from studies that Mediterranean is very healthful such as decrease Parkinson's disease, heart disease.

I don't really know what kind of diet Mediterranean is. I think, however, the best diet is up to you, the one who chooses what to eat and what body shape you want to have. I think nowadays, people avoid admitting their mistakes rather than accepting and solve it themselves.


Alyssa R. said...

Where could you find more information about what the Mediterranean diet is? I noticed that the first paragraph of the article explains what it is a little bit. Maybe you need some pictures though. Can you find some pictures of this food online?

Nice summary of the article.

Daglys said...

Yes Tai, I agree with Alyssa. I could be interesting if you describe what the Mediterreanean diet is. And also I agree with your opinion about what it is the best diet for each of us. For example I tried to no eat a lot of carbohydrates because I know that they make me gain weight.